
Saturday, August 31, 2024

The important aspects to take note when growing durian

 1. Land structure - durian grow better on hilly area as opposed to flat land because it is not prone to water containment. Durian roots can easily be deprived of oxygen due constant humidity in the soil. This is a proven technique how growing durian on flat land to avoid water containment

2. Pruning in the early stage of durian tree is one of the most important practices that must be exercise with discipline so that the nutrients uptake is optimally used for the growth of the main stock. The tree will grow healthier and faster with the correct pruning practice.

3. The application of fertilizers are equally important in order to speed up the growing process and maximize yield.

4. Soil treatment and treatment against disease for the sick plant

5. Rootstock grafting methodology and selection of healthy main stock

6. Tilling the soil to improve aeration, mixing organic matter, loosening the soil, weed control, improve water penetration

Other Tips:

1. Growing durian on sandy soil - Tips to handle sandy soil

2. Growing durian on wet land (low land) 

3. Soil treatment before planting - Japanese Pepper Plantations soil preparation 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Unlock the Healing Power of Turmeric: A Proven Remedy for Pain Relief

Despite having a wealth of natural resources right at our fingertips, many people overlook the potent healing benefits of turmeric. This incredible spice, often found in our kitchens or backyards, offers much more than just flavor—it provides powerful relief for cuts, burns, muscle pain, and back pain.

When combined with tea, even something as simple as a standard tea bag, turmeric can work wonders as a natural anesthetic, alleviating pain and speeding up the healing process.

Here are some real-life experiences that demonstrate the undeniable healing power of turmeric and tea:

  1. Burn Relief: After a painful solder burn, dipping the affected area into turmeric and tea-infused water instantly soothed the pain. Amazingly, the burn showed no signs of damage afterward.

  2. Cut Wound Healing: A sharp cut on the eyebrow from hitting a steel door edge was healed in just a day with turmeric alone, despite significant bleeding at the time of the injury.

  3. Crushed Nail Recovery: When a fingernail was crushed during car repairs, the pain was excruciating. However, frequent dipping of the injured nail in turmeric and tea water eased the throbbing, and within a week, the damaged nail began to shed, making way for new growth.

  4. Back pain can sometimes be caused by factors that seem unrelated at first glance. Have you ever experienced persistent back pain, tried every ointment and massage available, only for the pain to return again and again? It might not come back immediately, but perhaps in a month or two. I’ve discovered something magical—the root cause may be in an unexpected place. You might not believe it until you try it, but the source of your back pain could be in your feet. When your feet are under stress from carrying heavy loads or fatigue from physical work, the pain can manifest in your back.

    If you’re struggling with unexplained back pain, hold off on spending more money on treatments just yet. Instead, try this natural remedy: get a few rhizomes of turmeric, crush them with a mortar, and place them in a large container. Pour warm or hot water over the turmeric and mix it well. Add cold water (tap water works fine) until there's enough to submerge your feet. Then, soak your feet in the turmeric water for about 10 minutes. If you notice any bulging nerves in your feet, gently massage them, and you may find that your back pain vanishes instantly.

    This is the truth—no lies.

Beyond these incidents, turmeric has also been proven effective for:

  • Relieving mosquito bites
  • Soothing allergic reactions from sand fly bites
  • Treating ringworm
  • Healing acne wounds
  • Muscle cramp 

To harness the full healing potential of turmeric, it's best to use fresh turmeric rhizome rather than processed powder. Pulverize the rhizome, pour warm water over it, and add a tea bag (such as Lipton). Apply this mixture to the affected area using a paper towel or tissue, repeating the process frequently until the pain subsides. Continue daily applications until fully healed.

Don't let pain hold you back—embrace the natural healing power of turmeric and tea today!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Aloe Vera Iodine Content - Wound, Sunburn, Burnt, Insect Bite Natural Remedy (Lidah Buaya)

Aloe Vera plant that claimed to have many medication benefits. This an preliminary test to prove what people say about it. It is indeed the Aloe Vera pulp contains Iodine - as you can see it release the Iodine (purple in color) after a couple of days keeping in the jar. You can start to grow this plant at your backyard and there is nothing to loose.

1. Moisturizes Skin
2. Reduces Acne And Helps Lighten Blemishes
3. Helps With Sunburns And Reduces Tan
4. Heals External Wounds And Insect Bites
5. Reduces Stretch Marks
6. Promotes Hair Growth
7. Reduces Dandruff
8. Maintains pH Balance Of The Scalp
9. Conditions Hair
10. Reduces Inflammation
11. Eases Heartburn And Acid Reflux
12. Reduces Cholesterol And Regulates Blood Sugar
13. Maintains Oral Health
14. Builds Immunity
15. Lowers Risk Of Cancer
16. Helps In Treating Hemorrhoids
17. Prevent Sign of Aging
18. Reduce Constipation (A natural laxative)
19. Lowers blood sugar levels in diabetics
20. May improve skin and help prevent wrinkles
21. Helps treat mouth ulcers, or cancer sores
22. Reduces dental plaque
23. Heartburn relief (GERD)
24. Lowering your blood sugar

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Markisa - Passion Fruit

Passion fruit or commonly known as Markisa by the local is a sour fruit with a lot of seeds. Just like lemon and limes it helps to add more acid to the stomach to help in digestion process especially cleaning fats. This fruit is good to turn into juice because of its tiny seeds - very slimy layer of flesh surrounding the seeds. When making it into juice add some salts to reduce the sourness and some sugar to make it a little sweeter and pleasant to drink later on.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Mental Illness medicine

I never thought mental illness medication is much more expensive than physical - furthermore the impact to my life is also quite significant and prolong. No wonder those who have gone permanently crazy or mentally disturbed have no cure and have their life wasted. It's crazy when i have some panic attack due to bad dreams and also because of bad past experience that I've gone through. It's started to make me shiver and feel like passing out. I went to the doctor and this is what he gave me. Now to get exhausted physical than mentally by doing some physical works. Never get into this situation because when it happens it's very very tough in life and could jeopardize your job and family

Pristig = for Anxiety

Rivotil = for Insomnia

Xanax = for calming down

Clonazepam = for sleeping. Taking the clonazepam too much could result in hangover the next day and the experience is not so pleasant

Sunday, January 24, 2016


The flesh is simply sweet and the seen can be boiled and eaten. We called it Tibodak

When the seed is cooked/boiled it taste like peanuts - but eating it too much there will be repercussion your tongue will feel like there is toothpaste sticking on it. And it's not so pleasant to have that feeling. So take just enough.